Raiders of The North Sea: A Viking Adventure Unveiled – Dive into the world of Raiders of the North Sea, a dynamic Viking adventure of raiding, strategy and conquest. Explore its mechanics, from worker placement to plundering, and experience this captivating game in a 60-80 minute saga. Start your journey today and craft your path to victory!

Raiders of The North Sea: A Viking Adventure Unveiled

Introducing Raiders of the North Sea

Raiders of the North Sea plunge players into the heart of the Viking Age, casting them as warriors eager to impress the Chieftain through daring raids on unsuspecting settlements.

To succeed, they must gather a formidable crew, amass provisions and set sail northward to plunder gold, iron, and livestock. In the heat of battle, even the embrace of the Valkyrie brings glory. Assemble your warriors; the raiding season has arrived!

The goal in Raiders of the North Sea is to secure the most Victory Points (VP) by the game’s conclusion. Players accumulate these points by raiding settlements, seizing plunder, and presenting offerings to the Chieftain.

How they strategically employ their plunder becomes crucial to their triumph. The game culminates when one fortress raid remains, all Valkyrie are claimed or all offerings have been tendered.


Highlighted features:

  • Nominated for the Enthusiast Game of the Year at Spiel Des Jahres Kennerspiel 2017.
  • Thrilling gameplay centered around impressing the Chieftain through village raids.
  • Forms part of the epic North Sea Runesaga Campaign Trilogy.
  • Designed for 2-4 Vikings seeking conquest in a dynamic 60-80 minute gameplay.

Contents overview:

  • 1 Game Board
  • 71 Townfolks Cards
  • 4 Ship Cards (in 4 colors)
  • 16 Offering Tiles
  • 12 Score Markers (in 4 colors)
  • 18 Valkyrie Figures
  • 18 Gold Tokens
  • 18 Iron Tokens
  • 26 Livestock Tokens
  • 32 Provisions Tokens
  • 32 Silver Tokens
  • 7 Black Workers
  • 11 Grey Workers
  • 12 White Workers
  • 2 Averaging Dice
  • 1 Black Bag

Gameplay overview

Raiders of the North Sea revolves around worker placement, aiming to secure the most Victory Points to impress the village Chieftain. Each turn allows for limited actions, either two in the village or one during raiding, employing a simple “place one, take one” mechanic.

Village activities

The Village is divided into 8 distinct buildings, initially offering access to 6 locations as the Armory and Long House necessitate workers not immediately available to players. Initially, the very first player’s options are limited to the Barracks, Mill, and Silversmith.

Barracks: Here, crew members are hired by paying the silver cost, allowing placement in the player’s crew slots. Exceeding the 5-member limit requires discarding one crew member. Certain crew members may reduce costs or offer specific benefits.


  • Mill: This building provides provisions crucial for raiding. Black, grey, and white workers yield varying provisions or gold from the general supply.
  • Silversmith: A black worker rewards 3 silver, while other workers provide 2 silver.
  • Subsequent players have the Gate House, Treasury, and Town Hall to consider for worker removal.
  • Gate House: Players draw 2 cards secretly to add to their hand.
  • Treasury: Discarding cards rewards 2 silver or 1 gold, offering a resource influx.
  • Town Hall: Utilize Townsfolk cards for varied actions, allowing resource exchanges or cost reductions.

The remaining locations, Armory and Long House, require grey or white workers, initially obtained through raiding. These buildings significantly impact raiding and Offerings, respectively, and will be detailed in the relevant sections for their nuanced mechanics.

Raiding mechanics

In the upper region of the game board, raiding spots like Harbors, Monasteries, and Fortresses await players, each demanding specific prerequisites: worker type, gold/provisions, and a minimum crew count.

For instance, a Monastery raid mandates the use of a white or grey worker, the return of 1 gold and 3 provisions to the supply, and a crew of at least 3 members aboard the player’s ship.

Meeting these requisites enables players to tally their collective strength for the impending confrontation. This strength stems from each crew member’s innate power, bonuses granted by select crew abilities, and the strength indicated by their marker on the Armory track.

After rolling red dice, the sum is added to the total strength. This cumulative strength is then compared to the raiding spot’s red threshold. Based on this comparison, Victory Points (VP) are scored, adhering to the highest threshold met if multiple levels exist.


For example, attaining 12 strength after considering inherent and dice-derived strength would yield 4 VP, while reaching 20 strength awards 6 VP in the previously mentioned scenario.

Upon raid completion, players choose an unclaimed spot, collecting the resources beneath it along with the worker placed above. Each Valkyrie collected necessitates the removal of a crew member. For every discarded crew member, players advance their Score marker on the Valkyrie track, culminating in increased end-game VP bonuses.

Game progression insights

Initially intricate, Raiders of the North Sea evolves into a highly strategic yet easily comprehensible experience. The ‘place one, take one’ mechanism stands out for its simplicity, complemented by consistent iconography.

Although the pace might slow in larger groups, gameplay remains brisk, except when unforeseen obstacles hinder planned actions. The game maintains momentum through cyclical village-to-raid sequences.

Highlighting the game are metallic silver coins and expansive, organized board layout. While the artwork vividly captures the theme, certain minor component storage issues exist. The game boasts stunning artwork, particularly in its cards, striking a balance between form and function.


Raiders of the North Sea accommodates various player counts adeptly, captivating equally at two or four players. The suggested age range of 12+ aligns with the card complexities, though younger players might comprehend the mechanics without competitive efficacy.

The game’s allure lies in its myriad choices amidst limited actions, consistently delivering a thrilling experience. Its strategic gameplay, captivating art, and substantial components earn it a prestigious spot in the Board Game Review Hall of Fame.

Expansion prospects promise further enhancements to an already impressive game, with titles like Hall of Heroes and other North Sea Saga chapters awaiting exploration.

Don’t hesitate! Whether you’re familiar with Raiders of the North Sea or discovering it for the first time, seize the chance to dive into this captivating experience. Start your adventure today and create unforgettable gaming moments. If you have any queries, drop a comment below and we’ll be thrilled to assist!

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