Where can you donate board games when it was old or unused?

Zeustechmag.com – Ready to give your dusty game boxes a second life? Instead of letting them gather cobwebs, share the joy of playing with worthy causes! From kids’ hospitals to libraries and community centers, countless places welcome board game donations. Here’s a peek at where your pre-loved games can spark laughter and memories.

Where can you donate board games when it was old or unused?

Where can I donate board games for every audience?

Dust gathering on your game shelves? Instead of letting them languish, give them a purpose by donating them to organizations that can truly appreciate them! From children’s hospitals to retirement homes, here are some options based on the types of games you have.

For Kids

Imagine the squeals of delight as children discover a whole new world of fun in games like Mouse Trap, Hungry Hippos and Connect 4. These classics are ideal for:

  • Orphanages and children’s care homes: Spark laughter and social interaction with games like Mouse Trap, Hungry Hippos and Connect 4.
  • Therapy centers: Board games with clear rules can be therapeutic tools for children with autism or other challenges.
  • Family shelters: Provide welcome fun and family bonding with games during a difficult time.
  • Schools: Rainy days, after-school clubs and libraries all benefit from engaging games for kids.

For Everyone

Games like Scrabble, Monopoly and Jenga are timeless classics that bring families and friends together. These versatile choices are perfect where can I donate board games:

  • Churches and community centers: Family board games like Scrabble, Monopoly and Jenga are versatile choices for events and activities.
  • Retirement homes: Keep minds active and spirits high with classic games in communal areas.
  • Youth clubs and scouts/girl guides: Provide rainy-day entertainment and encourage group interaction with engaging games.
  • Homeless shelters: Board games offer a chance to connect and break the isolation in a safe space.
  • YMCAs: With diverse programs for all ages, YMCAs can put your games to good use in various club activities.

Where can you donate board games when it was old or unused? - Image 1.

For Hobbyist Gamers

Games like Arkham Horror, with their deep mechanics and intricate storylines, can delight dedicated board game enthusiasts. These treasures are ideal for:

  • Local libraries: Game nights and dedicated game librarians can benefit from strategic and complex games like Arkham Horror.
  • After-school game clubs: Help grow the next generation of game enthusiasts by donating to school clubs, where teachers can guide students on playing new games.
  • University and college societies: Student-run board game societies are always grateful for new additions to their collection.
  • Friendly local game stores: Some game stores use open-box games for demos or replacements, making your donation potentially valuable.
  • Board game bars and cafes: This is also a perfect address where can i donate board games. High-traffic establishments might appreciate your games as additions or replacements in their collection.

Tips for donating Board Games

Before you box up those dusty game boxes, it’s important to take some steps to ensure your donations are welcomed and well-used. By taking a little extra time to prepare, you can maximize the joy your old games bring to new players.

Completeness is key

Imagine the disappointment of cracking open a donated game only to find a key piece missing or the rulebook ripped beyond repair. Before packing, meticulously check that all game components are present and accounted for, from pawns and dice to manuals and score sheets. 

Missing pieces can often be found online or through replacement services, so don’t despair if something’s amiss.

Give your games a good scrub 

We all know the sticky residue left behind by countless game nights. Take a damp cloth and give the boards, pieces and boxes a gentle cleaning to remove any grime or dust. Not only will this make the games more appealing to recipients, but it also shows respect for the organization or individual receiving them.

Where can you donate board games when it was old or unused? - Image 2.

Consider the age appropriateness of your game collection

A classic Monopoly set might delight a family with teenagers, but those tiny Risk pieces could be better for a preschool classroom. If you’re unsure about the recommended age range, do some quick research online or simply err on the side of caution and donate those potentially tricky games to an organization catering to adults.

Think about the condition of the games

Now, let’s address the elephant in the box (or the scuffed cardboard box). While a well-loved game bears the charming patina of playtime, games in rough condition might not be suitable for donation. 

Ripped rulebooks, cracked boards, or missing pieces beyond repair may be better off being recycled or repurposed for craft projects. Remember, the goal is to share the joy of gaming, not the frustration of damaged components.

Where can you donate board games when it was old or unused? - Image 3.

Research your donation destination 

Not all organizations accept board games and those that do might have specific criteria. Thrift stores may take anything in decent condition, while libraries might prefer newer titles or educational games. 

Consider the types of games you have and seek out organizations whose mission aligns with their potential use. Some fantastic options include local libraries, schools, community centers, children’s hospitals, senior centers and even veteran support groups.

By following these tips, you can ensure your old board games find a new home where they’ll be cherished and enjoyed for years to come. Not only will you declutter your home and free up space, but you’ll also spread the joy of gaming and contribute to a worthy cause. So, gather those game boxes, clean them up and find them a new life – the smiles on the faces of the recipients will be your ultimate reward!

With all these options above, you’re sure to find a perfect new home for your old board games and surely you no longer ask yourself the question “Where can I donate board games” anymore, right? Your generosity will bring smiles and laughter to countless people and that’s something to be truly proud of.

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