How do I report a Clash of Clans account? – Is has a disruptive player chat messages in Clash of Clans ruining your experience in-game? Learn “How do I report a clash of clans account” for offensive behavior.


Maintaining a fair and enjoyable experience for players is a priority in Clash of Clans gaming. If you encounter a player or clan that disrupts your gameplay, you can report them to the Supercell Support team. This guide will help you about the question “How do I report a clash of clans account”, let’s find out.

Some reasons to report a Clash of Clans account

  • Offensive or abusive language: The in-game chat is meant for friendly communication and strategizing. If a player resorts to insults, threats, harassment, or discriminatory language, you can report them. This behavior fosters a toxic environment and should be addressed.
  • Cheating: Maintaining a level playing field is crucial. If you suspect a player is using unauthorized third-party programs, exploiting glitches in the game to gain an unfair advantage, or manipulating resources through external means, report them. These actions violate the game’s integrity.
  • Inappropriate username or Clan name: Usernames and clan names should be respectful and avoid offensive language, discriminatory slurs, or references to illegal activities. These can be reported to maintain a positive and inclusive gaming environment.
  • Spamming: Constant unsolicited messages or clan invites can be disruptive. If a player or clan spams excessively, report them to maintain order in the communication channels.
  • Promoting inappropriate content: Clash of Clans is intended for a broad audience. If a player or clan promotes illegal activities, hate speech, or adult content, report them to ensure a safe and appropriate environment for all players.

How to report someone in Clash of Clans?

If you encounter disruptive chat messages or player names while playing Supercell games like Clash of Clans, you have the power to report in order to help maintain a safe and fair gaming environment. Here’s how you can report them in Clash of Clans:

Report Disruptive Chat Messages:

  1. Simly tap on the chat message that you find disruptive.
  2. Then, tap on the ‘Report’ option that appears.

Report Disruptive Player Names:

  1. If you come across a player with a disruptive name, go to their profile.
  2. Tap on the disruptive play name itself.
  3. From there, you’ll see an option to ‘Report’ the player.
  4. Tap on ‘Report’, and Supercell Support will look into the issue promptly.

Your efforts in reporting disruptive behavior contribute greatly to the overall keeping Supercell games safe and fair for everyone. Thank you for being a part efforts to promote a positive gaming environment!

How Supercell Support team hanle your reports?

When you use the Report button to flag a player’s behavior, it doesn’t automatically result in an account penalty for them. However, every report is taken seriously and manually reviewed by our Supercell Support team of moderators. Due to the volume of reports they receive too much, it may take up to 72 hours for some reports to be thoroughly investigated.

Supercell urge you not to misuse the report feature. False reports not only waste our moderators’ time but also delay the handling of genuinely urgent cases. Additionally, issuing a false report with the intent to penalize someone else’s account can backfire and lead to penalties on your own account. Abusing the report button may also result in penalties being applied to your account.


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