How long do bans last on CoC? – Unsure how long your CoC ban lasts? This guide dives into CoC ban durations based on offense activities, offering tips on appealing and avoiding future bans.


Getting banned in Clash of Clans (CoC) is a topic of concern for many players. In this game, bans can be applied to accounts that violate the game’s rules and terms of service. The duration of these bans varies depending on the severity of the violation and can range from temporary suspensions to permanent bans. In this gaming news today, we will answear for the question “How long do bans last on COC”, explore now!

How Long do Bans Last on CoC?

The duration of a ban primarily hinges on the gravity of the violation committed. For minor infractions, a brief suspension lasting a few days can serve as a timely reminder to the individual regarding the inappropriateness of their actions. Should a user persist in their misconduct, the ban may be extended, ranging from 7 days to as long as 31 days.

However, in instances of egregious transgressions like cheating, systematic account theft, or engaging in illegal activities such as fraud, Supercell Support are compelled to take more stringent action. In such cases, the account in question will be subject to permanent suspension. This rule ensures the maintenance of a fair and equitable gaming environment for all players.

What steps should you take if you’re banned?

If you think the ban was issued in error:

  • Contact Supercell Support Portal: This is the first step. Supercell has a customer support system specifically for Clash of Clans where you can explain the situation. Be polite, professional, and clear about why you believe the ban is incorrect.
  • Gather evidence (optional): If you have any screenshots, chat logs, or other evidence that supports your case, include it with your support request. This could help them investigate the situation further.

If you suspect your CoC ban resulted from a minor offense, here’s what you can do:

  • Acknowledge your mistake: If you broke a rule, even unintentionally, take responsibility for your actions. A sincere apology can go a long way in showing Supercell you understand the rules and won’t repeat the offense.
  • Explain the circumstances (optional): Briefly explain what happened, but avoid making excuses. Prioritize strategies to prevent recurrence.
  • Wait for a response: Supercell may take some time to review your request. Be patient and avoid spamming their support system.

If you were banned for a serious offense (cheating, hacking, etc.):

  • Understand the consequences: Supercell takes serious action against these offenses, and a permanent ban is likely. There’s a slim chance an apology will help, but it’s worth contacting support to see if there’s any possibility of regaining access.

How will the report I receive if my account is banned for violation?

Unlike some games that might display a notification within the app itself, CoC doesn’t provide an in-game report when your account is banned. This is likely because in-game notifications might be easily missed, especially if you’re already banned from playing.

The primary way Supercell informs you about a ban is through an email. This email will be sent to the address associated with your CoC account. So, it’s crucial to ensure your account email is active and up-to-date.

The email from Supercell will typically include the following information:

  • Subject line: The subject line will likely mention “Clash of Clans Ban” or something similar, clearly indicating the purpose of the email.
  • Body of the email: The body of the email will explain why your account was banned. Supercell usually categorizes offenses into tiers (minor, moderate, serious). The email will specify the category of your offense and provide a brief explanation.
  • Ban duration: The email will also clearly state the duration of your ban. This could be a temporary suspension lasting hours or days, or a permanent ban in severe cases.
  • Optional: Appeal information: In some cases, the email might also include information on how to appeal the ban if you believe it’s a mistake. This could involve instructions on contacting Supercell support and what details to include in your appeal.

It’s possible that the ban notification email might land in your spam folder, especially if you don’t frequently receive emails from Supercell. So, be sure to check your spam folder if you suspect a ban but haven’t received an email notification in your inbox.

While a CoC ban can be frustrating, understanding the system and offense severity can help you manage expectations. Supercell prioritizes fair play. By following the guidelines and learning from your mistakes, you can get back to clashing and building your village in no time. Good luck, Chief!

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