Best Seele Builds and Team Setup in Honkai: Star Rail – Meet Seele, an assassin dubbed the “Butterfly.” Get to know her, as well as her teams and builds.


Seele was raised in the perilous underworld of Belobog, where she grew into a spirited and valiant key member of Wildfire. Accustomed to solitude, Seele gracefully navigates the battlefield, embodying her nickname “Babochka” (Russian: “Butterfly”), as a tempest of fury is unleashed by her.

In this HSR Seele build guide, we will share the best relics and light cones to maximize her quantum damage in Honkai Star Rail.

General Seele Character Information

Rarity 5-star
Path The Hunt
Combat Type Quantum
Species Human
World Jarilo-VI
How to Obtain Butterfly on Swordtip
Release Date 2023-04-26
HP 126 (level 1)–931 (level 80)
ATK 87 (level 1)–640 (level 80)
DEF 49 (level 1)–363 (level 80)
Speed 115 (level 1)–115 (level 80)
Taunt 75
Tier List Rating
  • Overall: S
  • Single Target: S
  • AoE Damage: A

The Best Way to Build Seele Character

Seele Main DPS Build

If you’re aiming to optimize building Seele as a Quantum main DPS in Honkai: Star Rail, prioritize equipping artifacts that enhance her ATK% rather than focusing solely on speed. While a high speed stat is advantageous, increasing Seele’s attack power will ultimately lead to more devastating damage output, ensuring she easily knocks down her enemies.

By selecting the right combination of light cones, relics, and ornaments, you’ll unlock Seele’s highest potential, unleashing her as a formidable character in your team lineup.

The best light cone for the Seele Character

Light cones play a crucial role in enhancing Seele’s abilities. The greatest light cones provide buffs that synergize well with her skills.

  • In The Night
HP 48 (level 1)–1058 (level 80)
ATK 26 (level 1)–582 (level 80)
DEF 21 (level 1)–463 (level 80)
In the Night | Source:
  • Sleep Like the Dead
HP 48 (level 1)–1058 (level 80)
ATK 26 (level 1)–582 (level 80)
DEF 21 (level 1)–463 (level 80)
Sleep Like the Dead | Source:
  •  Cruising in the Stellar Sea
HP 43 (level 1)–952 (level 80)
ATK 24 (level 1)–529 (level 80)
DEF 21 (level 1)–463 (level 80)
Cruising in the Stellar Sea | Source:
  • Swordplay
HP 43 (level 1)–952 (level 80)
ATK 21 (level 1)–476 (level 80)
DEF 15 (level 1)–330 (level 80)
Swordplay | Source:
  •  Only Silence Remains
HP 43 (level 1)–952 (level 80)
ATK 21 (level 1)–476 (level 80)
DEF 15 (level 1)–330 (level 80)
Only Silence Remains | Source:

Best Relics for the Seele Character

Relics are vital for enhancing Seele’s performance. The best relic set for Seele is the Genius of Brilliant Stars. This set provides a significant boost to quantum damage, making it ideal for Seele’s role as a damage dealer.

  1. Genius of Brilliant Stars (4 pieces)

When the Genius of Brilliant Starsis is activated, it provides the following significant benefits:

  • The Seele’s quantum damage output is increased by 10%.
  • The Genius of Brilliant Starsis set allows her to ignore 10% of the enemy’s defensive abilities when attacking. When Seele attacks foes with the quantum debuff, she penetrates an additional 10% of their defenses.
Genius of Brilliant Stars | Source:
  1. Musketeer of Wild Wheat (2 pieces), Genius of Brilliant Stars (2 pieces)

A combination of Prisoner of the Deep and Eagle of Twilight Line enables Seele to inflict a significant amount of Wind Damage to enemies.

  • 10% more damage is added to ATK.
  • Quantum damage is increased by 10%.
Musketeer of Wild Wheat | Source:

Best Ornaments for the Seele Character

  1. Rutilant Arena

The optimal Ornament for enhancing Seele DPS is one that significantly boosts her Skill DMG, considering a substantial portion of her damage output is derived from this source. However, it necessitates her to attain a CRIT Rate of 70% to activate its effect.

  • A 10% increase in the Effect Hit Rate is achieved, accompanied by a simultaneous increase in ATK by an amount equivalent to 25% of the current Effect Hit Rate up to 25%.
Rutilant Arena | Source:
  1. Space Sealing Station

Without much difficulty to unlock its effects, this one is also a great one to have on Seele.

  • Having two of these Space Sealing Station ornaments will give Seele 12% more damage. If they have SPD above 120, they will gain 12% more.
Best _Ornaments_2
Space Sealing Station | Source:
  1. Firmament Frontline Glamoth

This ornament is her top choice at the E2 level. If your Seele is below E2, however, you should not leave ATK% or Crit out to go to 160 SPD.

  • This item enhances the wearer’s ATK by 12%. Moreover, when the wearer’s SPD equals or exceeds 135/160, they deal an additional 12%/18% damage.
Firmament Frontline: Glamoth | Source:

Best Stats for the Seele Character

  • Body: CRIT Rate/CRIT DMG.
  • Feet: ATK%.
  • Sphere: Quantum DMG.
  • Link Rope: ATK%.

Best Substats for the Seele Character

  • CRIT Rate.
  • ATK%.
  • SPD.

The Best Seele Team Comps

Seele benefits greatly from a well-rounded team that complements her abilities. She maximizes her combat effectiveness when she is surrounded by allies whose skills synergize with her own.

Seele F2P Team Comp (free to play)

  1. DPS: Seele.
  2. Tank: Trailblazer (Fire).
  3. Support: Asta. To learn more about how to build for Asta build, see the Honkai Star Rail Asta build.
  4. Healer: Natasha. For more information about the Natasha build, see the Honkai Star Rail Natasha build.

Building an effective F2P team for Seele in Honkai: Star Rail requires a blend of buffs and support to ensure her survival on the battlefield. Asta plays a crucial role in this setup by providing essential Speed and ATK% buffs to empower Seele, enhancing her ability attacks.

Meanwhile, the Fire Trailblazer acts as divert aggro away from Seele, acting as a sturdy tank to protect her from harm. This dynamic duo creates a strong frontline presence, allowing Seele to focus on dealing damage without worrying about taking too much DMG herself.

Natasha’s inclusion adds versatility to the team, as she can either bolster the Fire Trailblazer’s defenses to prolong its tanking capabilities or remove debuffs inflicted on the allies. By synergizing these characters’ abilities effectively, you can create a F2P team comp that maximizes Seele’s potential and ensures victory in battles against enemies.

Seele Hypercarry Team Comp

  1. DPS: Seele.
  2. Support: Sparkle. To learn more about how to build for Sparkle, see the Honkai Star Rail Sparkle build.
  3. Support: Tingyun.
  4. Utility: Fu Xuan. For more information about the Fu Xuan build, see the Honkai Star Rail Fu Xuan build.

By funneling all SP and offensive buffs into Seele, this lineup empowers her to make consecutive extra turn attacks, amplifying the amount of damage dealt before the full turn cycle completes. With every attack, Seele’s prowess as a hypercarry, solidifying her status as a 5-star character to be reckoned with on the battlefield of Honkai: Star Rail.

Seele Mono-Quantum Team Comp

  1. DPS: Seele.
  2. Support: Sparkle.
  3. Support: Silver Wolf. To learn more about how to build for Sparkle, see the Honkai Star Rail Silver Wolf.
  4. Utility: Fu Xuan.

This team composition hinges on Silver Wolf’s ability to ignore the elemental weaknesses of enemies, ensuring she can implant a Quantum weakness on any foe effortlessly. Should the enemy already be weak to Quantum, Silver Wolf can be substituted with another Harmony unit or a Sub-DPS character.

Additionally, Sparkle plays a pivotal role in advancing Seele’s turn and providing damage buffs, synergizing perfectly with Fu Xuan, who safeguards the party while bolstering her CRIT rate. This cohesive strategy ensures the team operates efficiently and maximizes her damage output.

Seele Abilities

Upgrading Seele’s skills and talents is essential for maximizing her damage potential.

Overview of Seele’s Skills

  • Basic Attack: Thwack – An enemy is inflicted with Quantum damage equal to 50% – 110% of Seele’s ATK damage.

Rippling Waves: Next action will be Advanced Forward by 20% after using Basic ATK


  • Skill: Sheathed Blade – An enemy is inflicted Quantum Damage equal to 110%-242% of Seele’s ATK damage, and SPD is increased by 25% for 2 turns.


  • Ultimate: Butterfly Flurry – Goes into a buff state and an enemy is inflicted Quantum Damage equal to 255% – 459% Seele’s ATK damage.


  • Talent: Resurgence – Upon defeating an enemy with a Basic ATK, Skill, or Ultimate, she enters a buffed state and receives an extra turn. While in this buffed state, the DMG of her attacks increases by 40%–88% for 1 turn.

Furthermore, enemies defeated during the extra turn provided by “Resurgence” will not trigger another instance of “Resurgence.” This ensures that the extra turn mechanic remains balanced and does not create an endless loop of additional turns.

Nightshade: The chance of being attacked is lowered when below 50% HP.

Lacerate: Quantum RES PEN is increased by 20% when in a buffed state.


  • Technique: Phantom Illusion – Seele acquires Stealth for 20 seconds. During this period, she remains undetectable by enemies. Moreover, upon initiating battle by attacking enemies while Stealth is active, she promptly enters the buffed state, enhancing her combat effectiveness.


Prioritizing talent upgrades

You should focus on upgrading Seele’s Resurgence and Butterfly Flurry to enhance her damage capabilities. Upgrading her talents will provide significant boosts to her overall performance on the battlefield.

Seele Level-up Materials

Level-up Upgrade Materials Credit Costs Reward
Level 20 > 30 x5 Thief’s Instinct 4.000 1 regular Star Rail Pass
Level 30 > 40 x10 Thief’s Instinct 8.000 None
Level 40 > 50 x6 Conqueror’s Will, x3 Void Cast Iron 16.000 1 regular Star Rail Pass
Level 50 > 60 x9 Conqueror’s Will, x7 Void Cast Iron 40.000 None
Level 60 > 70 x6 Usurper’s Scheme, x20 Void Cast Iron 80.000 x1 regular Star Pass
Level 70 > 80 x9 Usurper’s Scheme, x35 Void Cast Iron 160.000 None
In total x65 Void Cast Iron

x15 Thief’s Instinct

x15 Usurper’s Scheme

x15 Conqueror’s Will


Understanding Seele’s Eidolons

Eidolons are crucial for unlocking Seele’s full potential. Each level of Eidolon provides unique benefits that improve her abilities.

  • Eidolon 1-Exitrpating Slash: When Seele deals damage to an enemy with an HP percentage of 80% or lower, CRIT Rate increases by 15%.
  • Eidolon 2-Dancing Butterfly: The SPD Boost effect of Seele’s skill can stack up to two times.
  • Eidolon 3-Dazzling Tumult: Skill level +2, maximum of level 15. Talent ATK +2, with a maximum of level 15.
  • Eidolon 4-Flitting Phantasm: Seele regenerates 15 Energy when she defeats an enemy.
  • Eidolon 5-Piercing Shards: Ultimate level: +2, with a maximum of level 15. Basic ATK level: +1, with a maximum of level 10.
  • Eidolon 6-Shattering Shambles: After Seele uses her ultimate, inflict the target enemy with Butterfly Flurry for 1 turn. Enemies suffering from Butterfly Flurry will take additional Quantum damage equal to 15% of Seele’s Ultimate damage every time they are attacked. If the target enemy is defeated by the Butterfly Flurry damage triggered by other allies’ attacks, Seele’s talent will not be triggered. When Seele is knocked down, the Butterfly Flurry inflicted on the enemies will be removed.

How to Unlock and Upgrade Eidolons

Eidolons can be unlocked through character pulls and in-game events. Prioritize obtaining duplicates of Seele to maximize her Eidolon levels.


Seele excels in the role of DPS, utilizing the Quantum element to deliver high damage. Building her for maximum quantum damage requires the right relics, light cones, and team composition. Experiment with different setups to find what works best for your playstyle. Leave a comment, share your thoughts, or explore more content on our website.

All Quantum characters in Honkai: Star Rail:

  1. Fu Xuan
  2. Qingque
  3. Seele
  4. Silver Wolf
  5. Lynx
  6. Xueyi
  7. Sparkle
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